


  • 01/06/2003

The name is a little off. It’s not just a pile of shells…’s quite a few piles of shells. John actually stopped inside the State Police barracks in Bivalve to ask for directions to the Pile. Supposedly the cop laughed at him, then gave him the directions. I...


Abandoned Development in Marlboro

  • 01/06/2003

I first noticed these houses late last year on one of my trips to the Slaughterhouse. They’re pretty much across from the Slaughterhouse, actually. There’s one small “Off Limits” sign guarding the street. Scary. At the street’s end is a trail that I’m guessing leads to the mental...


Car in the Giant Puddle – 12/02

  • 12/27/2002

Here is why you should always, ALWAYS use caution when exploring off main or paved roads. On one of our trips to find the Bamber Boys’ Home (12/14) we made the mistake of not measuring the depth of a puddle on the trail. Here is the result: Of...


Spanish Mansion Ruins

  • 12/06/2002

First visited 12/02 Page redone 2/05 Video added 9/08 This place is, surprisingly, right off a main road, just down the street from the alleged Capone Place. There are stories that this old mansion also had Capone connections. On my trip to the Capone Place, my guide told...


Route 30 Pyramid

  • 12/06/2002

First visited 12/02 Page redone 3/05 Along Rt. 30 one can find what was once the Temple of Hope and Knowledge, which was some sort of church. One story says it was a Scientologist church, but after reading some articles on it I’m not so sure that’s true....


Ancora Village

  • 12/06/2002

Visited 12/02 Demolished sometime afterward According to sources, Ancora Village, now abandoned, once was a community of minimum risk patients deemed suitable to live outside the hospital walls (mostly veterans, hence its name, Veteran’s Haven). However, because of a series of escapes, murders, or a lack of funds,...


Bayville Dinosaur

  • 12/06/2002

Originally posted 12/02 New pics from 12/05 This has never been a big deal to me, since Bayville is my hometown; I’ve seen this every day of my life. However, other people find it strange that there’s a dinosaur on the side of Route 9. Nobody is 100%...


The Blue Hole

  • 12/06/2002

First visited 12/02 Pics from 2/05 The Blue Hole is one of those places I simply don’t understand why people make a big deal out of it. From what I heard, the Blue Hole was well-hidden in the woods of southwest Jersey. What was noteworthy about it was...

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