

The Blue Hole

  • 12/06/2002

First visited 12/02 Pics from 2/05 The Blue Hole is one of those places I simply don’t understand why people make a big deal out of it. From what I heard, the Blue Hole was well-hidden in the woods of southwest Jersey. What was noteworthy about it was...


Forked River Mountains

  • 12/06/2002

On one of our doomed Bamber Boys’ Home searches, I stumbled across a backway into the Forked River Mountain Preserve. Trouble is, there are tons of trails back there, so you really have to know the area to get around. Which of course, I didn’t at the time....


Marlboro Slaughterhouse 11/02

  • 11/11/2002

This time around, I found the nifty side entrance to the Slaughterhouse property I couldn’t find before. It cuts out a good 20 minutes of walking. We walked by the old house & sheds…….nothing new there. The ‘road’ that runs through the property is a long one. We...


The Waving Cowboy

  • 11/06/2002

Written 11/02 You never realize what you have ’till it’s gone. Such is the case with the Waving Cowboy. I drove by it a million times when I was young. During the day, he just stood there with his arm extended. With the way the sign was made,...


Jekyll & St. Simons Islands

  • 10/06/2002

Written 10/02 I haven’t been to Georgia in years; I’d love to get back there and get new pictures from both islands. These really, really awful photos are from when I was 12 or so and were taken with a disposable, I think. I can’t believe I didn’t...


Monk’s Caves

  • 10/06/2002

10/02 & 12/02 12/16/05 – I never, ever edit my old photos. This was an exception – the only one so far. This was such a cool place, and I always felt the pictures didn’t fully represent it. So I gave in and brightened and sharpened some of...


Indian Cabin Road

  • 10/06/2002

Photos from 2002, 2003, & 2005 Indian Cabin Road is yet another road that has stories of shotgun-wielding hicks driving black pick-ups and satanic groups worshipping along it. Indian Cabin is a very plain road…partially paved but mostly dirt. There are 2 points of interest on the road,...


Quaker Bridge

  • 10/06/2002

Yet another place we stumbled upon by accident. When we took the dirt road a little too far, we ended up on this bridge. According to SJ Unpaved, the original bridge was built in 1772 by Quakers, who had yearly meetings in Tuckerton. SJ Unpaved also says a...

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