New Jersey


Bear Swamp Hill

  • 02/22/2007

It’s not really what’s at Bear Swamp Hill, because honestly there isn’t all too much to see – it’s moreso learning what happened there and then finding the remaining bits of evidence. In January of 1971, a plane coming from the McGuire Air Force Base crashed into the...


Manunka Chunk Tunnels

  • 01/22/2007

This is somewhere I’d heard about for years but simply never got to. We considered adding it to our itinerary during our recent PA trip, but the weather made us change our mind. The Manunka Chunk tunnels are abandoned railroad tunnels that run through a hill in Warren...



  • 12/21/2006

Original photos: 12/06 New photos: 12/07 We visited Amatol in the spring, but for whatever reason I never got around to posting it. There are 2 points of interest to the area’s history. The first is the munitions plant similar to Belcoville. Amatol served the very brief purpose...


“Hidden” Cemetery in Estell Manor Park

  • 11/21/2006

Quite some time ago, I received an email about a cemetery hidden somewhere in the same park as the Bethlehem Loading Company and Estellville Glassworks ruins – it was supposed to be much older than Bethlehem. I lost the email after getting a new computer and forgot about...


Popcorn Park Zoo

  • 09/21/2006

Couple of things worth noting before I go on: a) This page is more for promoting the zoo and its goals than anything else. I’ve been visiting it since I was 3 or so, and I sponsor some of the animals there (the muntjacks). This zoo is the...


Norwood – The Kislak Mansion

  • 07/21/2006

I’ve received several emails about this house over the past few years.  I’ve been forgetting for quite a while to make note of this here, but it was completely demolished a few years back. All gone.  No more.  Please stop asking for directions. Lots of pictures to load;...


Forest Castle

  • 06/21/2006

A few years back, I received an email about a castle in Lakewood. I was told it was part of an apartment complex, and it was to be shortly torn down. Figuring it was done for, I never bothered to check it out. While geocaching around the area,...

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