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Rock Garden of America

  • 11/06/2009

My mom moved to North Carolina a few years ago, and during my drive down to Ocean Isle Beach for vacation I decided to visit her.  Right on the side of the road just a few miles from her house, I found this.  It’s just sitting in front...


Tri-States Monument

  • 11/27/2008

Although technically in 3 states, I’m gonna file this one under New York for 2 reasons. Nearly half the marker is in NY, so percentage-wise, NY wins. Also, you pretty much have to go through NY to get to the marker. So there. Underneath the bridge on Route...


Fort Armistead

  • 04/26/2007

This place is trashed. It’s like the state said screw it and gave up maintaining the park. There’s tons of spray paint, the iron gates blocking the inside of the fort have all been broken or have had bars removed, there’s trash everywhere, etc…I was told quite a...


Antietam Battlefield

  • 04/26/2007

I’ll admit I know very little about this particular battle and have just recently begun reading about it. My interest in the Civil War has grown significantly in the past few years. Since I’m a Yankee, I have, as far as I know, only 2 battlefieds near me...


Army Ordnance Museum

  • 04/26/2007

How could I say no to 25 acres of tanks? The Army Ordnance Museum is home to roughly 240 tanks, all from different countries and time periods. Also here is the allegedly largest military gun ever built – it was tested but never put to use.Since the museum...


Maryland Trip/Elopement

  • 04/09/2007

Fort Armistead in Baltimore. We had talked about getting married for a while. She doesn’t like big groups; actually we’re both pretty anti-social. I don’t like tradition. Neither of us are big on religion. We’re also pretty poor. So we agreed on what we felt was probably our...


Tahawus (Adirondak)

  • 08/21/2006

Tahawus, also known as Adirondak, has long been a goal of mine.  It was about a 6 hour drive to get from my house to the campsite and about another hour to reach Tahawus. Saying the town is in the middle of nowhere is an understatement. I’m not...


Hoffman Cemetery

  • 08/21/2006

This was an unexpected yet pleasant addition to our daytrip to the Adirondacks. This cemetery seems just about forgotten; some stones are starting to be reclaimed by the woods. Many of the graves are of Civil War veterans. The graves are guarded by a few large and ominous...

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