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Adirondack Camping Trip

  • 08/09/2006

Blast furnace at the ghost town of Tahawus. For quite some time I wanted to visit a ghost town in the Adirondacks – Tahawus or Adirondak, depending on who you talked to. Rory, who used to run a now-defunct exploring website, also mentioned a few times he wanted...


Palace of Gold

  • 07/21/2006

Definitely one of the more unusual places I’ve seen – a Hindu temple and palace dedicated to Srila Prabhupada – in the mountains of West Virginia? The drive to it was a quest in itself – miles of winding, crumbling road, with few houses along the way. I’ve...


West Virginia Penitentiary

  • 07/21/2006

I. Hate. Group. Tours.I was expecting another Eastern State romp – getting a map, signing a waiver, and going off on my merry little way. Wrong.…well, it really isn’t a fair comparison, since Eastern is older and in worse condition. The tour lasts roughly an hour, and unfortunately...


Knob Prairie Cemetery

  • 07/21/2006

We found this completely by chance. I was hunting for a geocache in Enon, Ohio. A bit up the road from it we saw a sign for the cemetery, which was strange, considering we were behind some sort of corporate office buildings. After I found the cache, I...


Needmore Pyramid Ruins

  • 07/21/2006

A pyramid in Indiana? Sort of. Back in the 50’s, a 1/5 scale Great Pyramid and a portion of the Great Wall were to have been built for a new development. Long story short, the funding stopped, and the development never came to be. Old Highway 37 just….stops....


Bluespring Caverns

  • 07/21/2006

Excuse the dark pictures; as I learned at both Howe & Secret Caverns, digital cameras are horrible in low/no light situations. Bluespring Caverns differs from most other cavern tours because the entire tour is by boat. For about an hour, you are on a small metal boat, going...


WV/OH/IN Mini Roadtrip

  • 07/09/2006

Palace of Gold, WV I was going to a family reunion at my aunt’s in Indiana. I’d been out there a few times but always drove with my mom, so I never got the opportunity to go off on my own. Since we’d just bought a new car...


Blauvelt Nike Base

  • 11/21/2005

We briefly visited this Nike Base before heading to Tweed. The missile base itself is still active; this part, which has been turned into a park, was where all the radar stuff was. There were more buildings here, including housing, but they’ve been demolished. Two caretakers currently live...

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