Other Stuff


Seaside Heights Boardwalk pre-Memorial Day

  • 06/18/2009

For most of my life, Seaside Heights was just a 3 mile drive away.  Having lived by the boardwalk my whole life, I never understood the big deal about it.  As a kid, it was a fun place.  As a teen and young adult, it was still a...


One Shots 2 – The Revenge

  • 06/08/2009

Back to Page 1 I laugh everytime I see these signs. This guy is all over I-70 W when you first enter Indiana. I don’t know about you, but if my last name were Raper, I wouldn’t be slapping it all over billboards. We’ve come up with a...


One Shots

  • 06/08/2009

The name says it all. I put this section together for 2 reasons: a) I occasionally come across something that’s pretty cool, but it just isn’t enough to get its own page. b) I have random non-site related but still interesting pics and had nowhere to put them....


Cape May-Lewes Ferry

  • 07/27/2004

Instead of driving the 180+ miles back home, I decided to take the ferry across the bay, cutting my trip to 80 miles. There are a few things to see during the 75 minute ride, if you know what to look for. Right next to the ferry is...


Wildwood – Summer ’04

  • 06/27/2004

For the first time in years, I went to Wildwood. I took pictures of some of the more interesting things I saw there. The first few pics are from a ride called “Dante’s Inferno.” Killer art. I’m surprised there weren’t any zealots handing out pamphlets in front of...


Quick Stop

  • 02/27/2004

Yes, we’re dorks. While driving back from our latest Sandy Hook trip, Annie yelled, “Quick Stop! Quick Stop!” If you have no idea what the big deal is, this is the convenience store where the movie Clerks was filmed. The video store, where Randall worked in the movie,...


Car in the Giant Puddle – 12/02

  • 12/27/2002

Here is why you should always, ALWAYS use caution when exploring off main or paved roads. On one of our trips to find the Bamber Boys’ Home (12/14) we made the mistake of not measuring the depth of a puddle on the trail. Here is the result: Of...

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