

New England ’08

  • 10/09/2008

Desert of Maine in Freeport. This year’s trip was actually somewhat planned out beforehand. Planning is, surprisingly, not a bad thing. During all our previous trips, we always somehow missed out on Maine, be it due to bad weather or just unable to find anything of interest to...


New England ’07

  • 10/09/2007

Grave with a window in New Haven, VT Yet another trip that wasn’t finalized until the last minute. This almost turned into a trip to Virginia, actually. We were up way too late, we hadn’t packed yet, we had work early in the morning, and on top of...


Maryland Trip/Elopement

  • 04/09/2007

Fort Armistead in Baltimore. We had talked about getting married for a while. She doesn’t like big groups; actually we’re both pretty anti-social. I don’t like tradition. Neither of us are big on religion. We’re also pretty poor. So we agreed on what we felt was probably our...


New Year’s PA Trip

  • 01/09/2007

The Pagoda in Reading. I had just received a decent-sized check from Geico after cancelling my policy with them. We also had a few extra days off from work because of New Year’s. Free money + extra time = trip. We chose eastern PA because there were a...


New England ’06

  • 10/09/2006

Mill wall at Gay City, CT This trip took a complete 180 the day before we left. I originally planned to do some stuff in Connecticut, then head up to Vermont, and finally end in Salem. In a last minute decision, I figured driving to the top of...


Adirondack Camping Trip

  • 08/09/2006

Blast furnace at the ghost town of Tahawus. For quite some time I wanted to visit a ghost town in the Adirondacks – Tahawus or Adirondak, depending on who you talked to. Rory, who used to run a now-defunct exploring website, also mentioned a few times he wanted...


WV/OH/IN Mini Roadtrip

  • 07/09/2006

Palace of Gold, WV I was going to a family reunion at my aunt’s in Indiana. I’d been out there a few times but always drove with my mom, so I never got the opportunity to go off on my own. Since we’d just bought a new car...

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