

Route 309 Cow

  • 07/13/2010

It seems for as long as anyone can remember, this giant cow has been standing along Route 309 in Wilkes-Barre Township.  It stands guard in front of an Amish shed shop.  It’s a popular landmark and has apparently had a few paint jobs over the years. As you...


Giant Coffee Mug of Wilkes-Barre

  • 07/13/2010

I’m not really sure how many times I’ve driven by this without giving it too much thought.  Recently I heard this building was to be sold, so I figured I’d check it out before it was possibly razed. Turns out this was, unsurprisingly, supposed to have been a...


Fort Mifflin

  • 05/13/2010

Fort Mifflin is a unique and, sadly, little known point of interest in Philadelphia.  It’s right on the Delaware River; it’s actually next to the Philly Airport.  It is a bit of a pain to find, though.  You’re definitely going to want to look this one up first. ...


Glen Onoko “Turn Hole” Tunnel

  • 04/16/2010

This was an added bonus to an already scenic hike.  This tunnel can be found along the trail in the Glen Onoko section of Lehigh Gorge State Park.  It’s not very long, maybe a few hundred feet in length.  The Central Railroad of New Jersey constructed it in...


The Old Jail Museum

  • 11/06/2009

The Old Jail Museum in Jim Thorpe is almost like any other old restored prison museum I’ve been to.  Almost. Sure it’s got its display of artifacts from when the jail was in use.  Sure it’s got cells you can enter.  And it’s even got a solitary confinement...


Devil’s Hole

  • 07/10/2009

Virtually nothing is known about the ruins in the Devil’s Hole, found ironically in Paradise Valley.  According to local legends, the place was a hunting lodge, ski resort, or speakeasy.  The only thing agreed upon is that it was destroyed in a fire decades ago. I was told...


Angela Park

  • 07/10/2009

Angela Park, found just north of Hazleton, operated for over 30 years from the 50’s to the 80’s.  Once it shut down, much of it was leveled, but some remnants can still be found.  Best part is, it’s completely legal to go there.  Even better, you can fish...


Rausch Gap

  • 07/10/2009

Hidden in between Fort Indiantown Gap Military Reservation and Swatara State Park in northern Lebanon County are the ruins of the town of Rausch Gap, once a mining and railroad town.  The basics are up on that sign right there, so I’m not going to reiterate all of...

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