Atsion 2005

  • 02/05/2005

First posted 10/02
New photos from 2/05

This page is essentially a remake of the original (9/02). The pictures I had of the various things at Atsion weren’t all that good, and I finally got around to getting new ones.

Atsion is one of the ghost towns that can be found in the Pine Barrens. Unlike most of the ghost towns, Atsion is more than a hanful of foundations and still has a few buildings standing.

Down one of the paths you can find some foundations, along with what’s left of a cotton mill.

Further up from the cotton mill is a bridge from a defunct railroad…fun to cross but beware the random spacing.

“These are the days of our lives”. I have to agree.

These pics are of a building that’s in sad, sad shape. Oddly, there are a brand new gazebo and shed right behind it.

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