Jeffrey Family Cemetery 2005

  • 01/06/2005

First visited 1/03
New photos from 1/05

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

We originally found this about 2 years ago. This tiny cemetery can be found right in the center of a condo complex. When we visited the first time, there was no information about it. They’ve since put a plaque up which lists the names and dates of everyone. I had no idea that many people were in here; there are virtually no stones left…just 2 stubs remain. If there wasn’t a fence around its perimeter, you probably wouldn’t even know it was there.

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

The original (and pretty crappy) page from 1/03 can be found here.

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