Bell St. Cemetery 2005

  • 01/06/2005

First visited 1/03
New photos from 1/05

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

Bell Street is just behind the old A&P (now ShopRite) in Bayville. Wedged between 2 houses is a small cemetery. Oddly enough, the entire thing is about 2-3 feet higher than the neighboring properties, with aging wooden steps leading up to its entrance. A tall fence surrounds it, and the gate is locked. On my most recent trip there, I noticed a rake in the fence, so somebody’s taking care of the place.
Supposedly at one time the whole area was one large property, and this cemetery was for that family. A reliable source told me that a nearby house (its 2nd incarnation anyway) was the farmhouse on this property.
I don’t know much about the family yet, because it’s hard to read the names & dates through the fence (and even harder to take pictures).

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

The white in the corner makes this pic look cool

The original (and horrible) Bell St. Cemetery page from 1/03 can be found here.

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