First visited 1/03
New photos from 1/05
Bell Street is just behind the old A&P (now ShopRite) in Bayville. Wedged between 2 houses is a small cemetery. Oddly enough, the entire thing is about 2-3 feet higher than the neighboring properties, with aging wooden steps leading up to its entrance. A tall fence surrounds it, and the gate is locked. On my most recent trip there, I noticed a rake in the fence, so somebody’s taking care of the place.
Supposedly at one time the whole area was one large property, and this cemetery was for that family. A reliable source told me that a nearby house (its 2nd incarnation anyway) was the farmhouse on this property.
I don’t know much about the family yet, because it’s hard to read the names & dates through the fence (and even harder to take pictures).
The original (and horrible) Bell St. Cemetery page from 1/03 can be found here.