Cemetery Near Seabreeze

  • 02/16/2003

No, there are no skeletons visible.

I couldn’t find an official name for this graveyard. I did some research and found out there was an old log church here back in the late 1600’s. A sign there also marks it as a site of a church from 1680. I looked around to see if I could find any foundations of the churches that were there, but there weren’t any.

The cemetery is pretty old, with most of the stones unreadable. Many have fallen over, broken, or collapsed on themselves, as you’ll see above and below.

The top fell off..
This stone's on its side.  Dunno how it's standing like that.

The real surprise to this place is not this cemetery, but the OTHER one behind it! Further in the back is some overgrown land. In here is the old cemetery. These stones are completely blank, with most of them being knocked over or sunken into the ground. I actually tripped over a few.

Totally overgrown....some stones are very hard to get to
Yup, that's a stone in there.

There is a large monument to the right of both graveyards. It marks the site of the original log church.

The monument, which is to the right  of the graves.

The monument, which is to the right  of the graves.

The monument, which is to the right  of the graves.

The monument, which is to the right  of the graves. The monument, which is to the right  of the graves.

The monument, which is to the right  of the graves.

The monument, which is to the right  of the graves. The monument, which is to the right  of the graves.

The monument, which is to the right  of the graves.

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