Sleepy Hollow Cemetery

  • 04/20/2003

Originally visited 4/03
New photos from 5/05

50+ photos….go get a soda or something.

Sleepy Hollow is huge. I guess it’d have to be with graves spanning 5 centuries. Yes, people from the story are interred here, including the writer of the legend, Washington Irving. But there’s so much more. Carnegie. Rockefeller. Chrysler. Union soldiers. Revolutionary soldiers. Mausoleums the size of a house. Life size statues. The cemetery is over half a mile long and quite hilly. You will need a few hours to fully take in everything here.

The front of the cemetery is where the oldest stones are, with the original Dutch graves from the 1600’s. The soldiers from the Revolution are also in this section. Not too far back you come across Mr. Irving, who surprisingly has a small stone. The only way it stands out from the surrounding ones is that it’s slightly larger and white.

Irving’s gate & stone.

Andrew Carnegie

The Rockefeller Mausoleum

Chrysler can be found in the very back of the graveyard

The rest of the photos are random shots from various parts of the cemetery.

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