
  • 05/20/2003

Originally visited 5/03
New pics from New Year’s Eve ’06

I originally went to Centralia back in May of ’03 with some of the fine folks from Forensick.net. I finally went back for New Year’s Eve in ’06 and took what I feel are much better pictures. Some of the original pics can be found at the bottom of the page.

Poor Centralia. There’s been a coal fire burning underneath the town since the 60’s; experts say it has about another 1,000 years to burn. Years ago the government began a relocation program for the residents. Now the town is nearly deserted, with just a handful of people left; they refuse to leave because once they’re gone, the government owns the town. There are many spots where the ground has split open and smoke is rising from the cracks. The smell is horrible, and judging by the helpful sign pictured above, it’s probably not too good for you either.

Part of the original highway ripped open, so another road going to the town had to be built.

Very few houses are left; they are demolished as the people leave. Some roads there look like they run to nowhere, since the housing on them is all gone. Many of the homes were row houses, which also get knocked down once they are vacant. A single row house stands alone at one intersection.

Some of the original pics from 5/03

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