Hut of The Gatherers

  • 06/20/2003

I got an email not too long ago about teepees in the woods in South Toms River (thanks, Andrew). I went and checked it out. Let me tell you, I was not expecting to find this big hut o’ DOOM next to an abandoned basketball court.

There are smaller ‘structures’ not too far from the big one.

My favorite part of the trip was finding an old trestle nearby with a very fitting quote (at least for me) written on it:

“After all these years, the woods still soften the wounded heart.”

I was wondering who’d build this, why they would, and why it was so close to a neighborhood. Then I remembered a flyer I saw in my friends’ store, now defunct. It was put there by The Gatherers, a group that I’m still reading about. Pretty interesting…..I’ve been considering going to one of their meetings. I found out from their site that this ‘hut’ is their meeting place.

For our visit 2 years afterward, click here.

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