Waterloo Village

  • 09/20/2004

History buffs will love this place. Waterloo was a canal town in its heyday. Most of the buildings have been restored, and like many of the other towns in state parks, people reenact the crafts & dress of the time period. The buildings are from the 1700’s & 1800’s; many you can go inside. There’s a blacksmith, sawmill, gristmill, tavern, etc…

Also in the village is a reconstructed Lenape village, which has a tour about every hour. The guides and tour are very informative. I was amazed how many people in my group didn’t know a single thing about the Lenape.

Some Lenape Village pics:

All in all, Waterloo’s a great place to just walk around and relax. It’s very spread out and tranquil.

There’s an admission fee which varies depending on the time of year and any events taking place there.

For more info, go to Waterloo’s site.

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