Eastern State Penitentiary

  • 11/20/2004

Quite a few pics; worth the loading.

I can’t recommend this place enough. I’m sorry I put off going to it for 3 years. How much does this place rock? You have to sign a waiver to even set foot in it, that’s how much.
Yes, ESP is state run, but that doesn’t affect very much. The tour is a self-guided 45 minute audio tour. Then after that, you’re off on your own. You can go to many places the tour doesn’t cover. You don’t have free reign however; some sections are entirely closed off. That doesn’t really matter, since you can still spend a good part of a day here.
Interestingly, like the Burlington County Prison in Mt. Holly, Eastern State stayed open well after it should have closed….it was open til 1970.

This plaque shows inmates who fought in WWI…credited only by their number.

This cart runs along the ceiling.

One of the last remaining ‘exercise rooms’. Early in the prison’s history, each prisoner had one.

The Philly skyline must’ve really discouraged later inmates.

Parts of a tree trunk that were growing into the fence around the baseball diamond.

Capone’s cell. Capone was here for 8-9 months.

For more info, hours, directions, whatever else, go to Eastern State’s site.

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