I had read about remnants of a hotel on the side of Rt. 71 in Sea Girt, next to Wreck Pond. I was geocaching in the area and decided to stray from my itinerary a bit and see if I could find them. Luckily, they were right next to where I was supposed to be. I was upset to see there was nothing of the actual building left; there was a large ditch instead. We did find the driveway, lamp posts, steps, and walkway though, all in pretty good shape. Behind the ditch we found some pipes coming out of the ground.
Another geocacher (thanks Fishingdude) told us the place was called the Jimmy Byrne’s Sea Girt Inn and was also a bar. The place was sold and demolished somewhere around ’96 or ’97 because it was a fire hazard. Neither he or I could dig up any more information. I’m curious to see what the place used to look like.
Overall there wasn’t that much to see, but it was an easy find and still worth checking out.
Where can I purchase a Jimmy Byrnes Sea Girt Inn cd?
I have a picture of what it looked like.
In my early twenties, I used to hang out there almost every night. When we danced, the floor would sway up and down. The music was incredible. I often think about it, We sang “What would you do . . .” and “I don’t wanna go home; I don’t wanna go home . . . ” Young and twenty was fun.
Used to go to Jimmy Byrne’s Sea Girt Inn from 1973 through 1979. We rented houses down the Jersey Shore with our gang from Staten Island. What a great place to party. The place was huge and I can understand why it was a fire hazard. They packed hundreds of people in there. There were muktiple bars scattered throughout the place. It was a great time.
Getting to the end of the line been many places around the world. The Sea Girt in was the best time ever more happy people in one place then you can imagine. I look and look for a pic of myself or wife online but haven’t found one. She is close to passing would love to bring a smile to her face with a pic u had to be there to understand the carefree nights. No club can compair
My wife lost her engagement ring in 1976 outside the Inn