Knob Prairie Cemetery

  • 07/21/2006

We found this completely by chance. I was hunting for a geocache in Enon, Ohio. A bit up the road from it we saw a sign for the cemetery, which was strange, considering we were behind some sort of corporate office buildings. After I found the cache, I decided to find whatever the sign was pointing to. We came across 2 more signs:

Yup. There was a graveyard behind the office buildings. A pretty old and somewhat beat up one at that; reminded me of the Quaker cemetery I found some time ago, due to its condition and also its proximity to a main road – in this case I-70.
Many stones were in pieces, while others lay at the bases of others. It looked like someone had randomly piled stones on top of each other. Someone is caring for the place, since the grass was recently cut. Still, this cemetery is in sad shape.

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