Bridge to Nowhere

  • 01/28/2005

We discovered this while out geocaching.
It may have half-burned down a last fall, but that doesn’t take away from the uniqueness of this bridge. You may no longer be able to cross it, but you can still see where this bridge leads……nowhere.
To quote another cacher “Definitely known as the ‘Bridge that Goes Nowhere’ from the birding groups. You can drive up to it, you can walk across it, but you just ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
That’s right, there is no road or trail on the other side of the bridge. Kinda makes you wonder why they bothered to build it in the first place. It’s now blocked off by 3 concrete barricades, but that doesn’t make much of a difference…you still can’t cross it.

Word of caution too, if you should happen to stumble upon the bridge…the dirt road leading to it is brutal. There are huge potholes and bumps. I’ve been on some bad roads in the Pines, and I can easily say this is one of the worst. I read one log where a guy wrote about hitting his head on the roof of his car because of the bumps. If you have a truck it probably isn’t so bad, but of course my truck had to die a few weeks ago.

No path of any sort….just a row of powerlines.

Update – 3/09

Can’t believe it’s been over 4 years since I was last down this road. I’ve gotten quite a few emails about this place since I first posted it. Supposedly the bridge was built because a development was to have been built somewhere out here but obviously never came to be.
A second and seemingly more popular topic involves an accident that happened on the road leading out to the bridge. I got a lot of emails saying there was a suicide back here, and the person’s grave was right on the road. I decided to finally drive back down this godawful road again and check it out. Let me say the road is much worse than it was just a few years ago. If you have a car, do not drive down it. Some trucks will even have trouble. It’s really not that long of a walk anyway, if you really need to see a broken bridge that badly.
It turns out someone lost control of her car and wound up in the marsh. There’s a small memorial to her which is, like the bridge, barricaded by concrete. I’m not really sure if it’s an actual grave but I doubt it.

Hope this answers some of the questions I’ve received. Be respectful and remember someone did lose their life driving down this road.

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