

Allaire Railroad Bridge

  • 03/20/2005

This tiny bridge, not even 10′ across, is all that remains of a railroad track off one of the hiking trails in Allaire; the rest of the track has been torn up. We had heard about a bridge and were expecting something like the trestle at Hebrew Park,...


Hebrew Park Trestle

  • 07/20/2004

I had read on a small site dedicated to Bayville that there was an old railroad trestle somewhere behind Hebrew Park. I forgot about the site for a while….and when I went to look up info about the trestle I learned the site was gone. So I set...


Paulinskill Viaduct

  • 04/20/2004

I’ve heard about this one for years. I was happy to finally get to it. I must say it was much bigger than I expected. The viaduct is an old railroad tressel that goes over the Paulinskill River. I’m not sure how long it’s been out of commission,...


Winslow Junction Tower

  • 04/20/2003

Back to Winslow Junction We went back to Winslow Junction and discovered someone had broken a side window. It was a squeeze, but I fit through. Inside was in pretty bad shape, worse than I expected. Upstairs had all kinds of paperwork, most of which was trains’ arrival...


Winslow Junction

  • 04/20/2003

Originally visited 4/03 New photos 2/05 Inside the Tower – 8/03 Some time ago, Winslow Junction was one of the busiest train stations on the east coast. Now, it is nothing more than a street intersection with 15-20 rail cars to the side. Some are in decent condition,...

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