Revolutionary War


Front Yard Revolutionary Soldiers’ Graves

  • 06/21/2005

While there isn’t very much to see here, anyone interested in this period of time will appreciate this. We were driving around the area by the Ringing Rocks when we stumbled upon this. Please keep in mind this is in someone’s front yard. I noticed 3 small posts...


Revolutionary Soldiers’ Graves @ Washington Crossing

  • 04/20/2005

Within the Pennsylvania side of Washington Crossing State Park is a memorial/cemetery for Revolutionary soldiers who died the night Washington crossed the Delaware to own some drunken Hessians. The field is surrounded on 3 sides by a small stone wall, which resembles a fort. Two large pillars stand...


Red Bank Battlefield

  • 04/20/2005

I recently read about a little-known battlefield along the Delaware. After learning some of the history and reading that ruins from the fort could be found in the park, I decided to visit. The name itself shows just how few people know of the place, at least on...


Waterloo Village

  • 09/20/2004

History buffs will love this place. Waterloo was a canal town in its heyday. Most of the buildings have been restored, and like many of the other towns in state parks, people reenact the crafts & dress of the time period. The buildings are from the 1700’s &...

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