New England


Fort Knox

  • 12/27/2008

Fort Knox was constructed beginning in 1844 to help prevent any potential invasions from Britain. This part of Maine was invaded by the British during both the Revolution and the War of 1812, and the area was also open to border disputes between the US and Canada. Much...


World Traveler Sign

  • 12/27/2008

This can be found where Routes 5 & 35 meet in Lynchville. A semi-famous place in the state of Maine, the sign has been appearing on postcards and has been a family photo op for decades. The places listed on the sign are actually nearby (for the most...


Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavor Graveyard

  • 12/27/2008

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory is quite a popular tourist destination in Vermont. But while most people go there to sample flavors, see ice cream being made, or to check out the gift shop, I had a different agenda. Up on a hill a bit to the...


New England ’08

  • 10/09/2008

Desert of Maine in Freeport. This year’s trip was actually somewhat planned out beforehand. Planning is, surprisingly, not a bad thing. During all our previous trips, we always somehow missed out on Maine, be it due to bad weather or just unable to find anything of interest to...



  • 11/27/2007

Dana, along with 3 other towns – Prescott, Enfield, and Greenwich – was dissolved in 1938 when the creation of the Quabbin Reservoir was planned. The reservoir would have flooded these towns, so the government forced the residents to leave. While the other 3 towns are now underwater,...


Old Cemetery Near Otis, MA

  • 11/27/2007

I can’t find anything out about this place, other than it’s near Otis. Most of the stones appear to be from the 1800’s. If it weren’t for the location of the cemetery and the difficulty in reaching it, I might not be including it. It’s about a mile...


Dinosaur Footprints Reservations

  • 11/27/2007

Actual dinosaur footprints? In their original location and undisturbed? NOT plaster casts? I had to see. As a kid, I was big into dinosaurs. I know most kids were, but most kids also thought of them as big lizard things that ate each other and cavemen. I could...


Champ’s Monument

  • 11/27/2007

I am fully aware that this is a very, very dumb addition to the site. And I don’t care. When I was little, I read nothing but ghost and cryptozoology books. One monster I was particularly fond of was Champ, Lake Champlain’s monster, the US version of Nessie....

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