

Millville Bunkers

  • 09/26/2007

I had heard that bunkers of some sort could be found hidden in the woods near the Millville Airport. At first this made no sense to me, since Millville is a good distance away from both the bay & ocean. I kept hearing about them though and even...


Belle Mead General Depot

  • 08/26/2007

Fair amount of photos. Go walk your dog. Or cat. Or ferret. This was somewhat of an accidental find. We learned of an unused water tower with a geocache on top of it. Somehow Bill from LostinJersey found out an entire abandoned depot was not far from it...


Fort Armistead

  • 04/26/2007

This place is trashed. It’s like the state said screw it and gave up maintaining the park. There’s tons of spray paint, the iron gates blocking the inside of the fort have all been broken or have had bars removed, there’s trash everywhere, etc…I was told quite a...


Manunka Chunk Tunnels

  • 01/22/2007

This is somewhere I’d heard about for years but simply never got to. We considered adding it to our itinerary during our recent PA trip, but the weather made us change our mind. The Manunka Chunk tunnels are abandoned railroad tunnels that run through a hill in Warren...


Deer Lake Drive-In

  • 01/22/2007

Another pleasant surprise. We were driving on Rt. 61 from Reading on our way to Centralia when Annie noticed the sign for this abandoned drive-in on the side of the road. I made a quick U-turn and jumped out to shoot some photos. The screen was pretty beat...


Abandoned Cemetery in West Warwick

  • 10/21/2006

Yet another find through geocaching. I’ve tried to find the name of this cemetery or even some history behind it, but I’ve come up empty so far. All I know is a factory and/or mill used to be nearby. I found no ruins other than the cemetery and...


Tahawus (Adirondak)

  • 08/21/2006

Tahawus, also known as Adirondak, has long been a goal of mine.  It was about a 6 hour drive to get from my house to the campsite and about another hour to reach Tahawus. Saying the town is in the middle of nowhere is an understatement. I’m not...

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