

Jenkins Church – NJ’s Smallest Church

  • 04/20/2004

According to New Jersey Curiosities, Jenkins Chapel, with room for only 28, is the smallest church in NJ. I wasn’t really impressed; it doesn’t really look like a church from the outside. It sure is small though. I thought this abandoned building next to it was more interesting.


Windmill House

  • 04/20/2004

This house can be found along Rt. 72. Most people agree it’s around 100 years old. It also has a double outhouse behind it. I stopped at the gas station next to it and asked for some info on it. The guy there said nobody’s lived in it...


Lucy the Elephant

  • 04/20/2004

Most people look at you funny if you tell them there’s a 6 story elephant near Atlantic City. Lucy was built in 1881 to attract people to Margate (South A.C. at the time) and to hopefully buy property there. Over the years, she’s been a real estate office,...


Paulinskill Viaduct

  • 04/20/2004

I’ve heard about this one for years. I was happy to finally get to it. I must say it was much bigger than I expected. The viaduct is an old railroad tressel that goes over the Paulinskill River. I’m not sure how long it’s been out of commission,...


Barnegat Lighthouse Statue

  • 03/20/2004

This statue of the creator of the Barnegat Lighthouse, or “Old Barney”, has a dumb but somewhat charming ‘ghost’ story attached to it. Allegedly on Halloween night every year, on midnight of course, the statue’s eyes light up. Most people have told me they light up green, but...


Quick Stop

  • 02/27/2004

Yes, we’re dorks. While driving back from our latest Sandy Hook trip, Annie yelled, “Quick Stop! Quick Stop!” If you have no idea what the big deal is, this is the convenience store where the movie Clerks was filmed. The video store, where Randall worked in the movie,...


Double Trouble

  • 02/20/2004

Not much to say about this one. I came here originally to get some better pics of the Crabbe Cemetery, but I figured since Allaire, Batsto, and Whitesbog are on the site, I might as well include another restored ghost town. Not much to say about this one;...


Allaire Village

  • 02/20/2004

Allaire was the home of Howell Ironworks from the early to mid 1800’s. Once it was realized coal from Pennsylvania was more practical than bog iron, Allaire, along with other bog iron towns in central & southern NJ, eventually became a ghost town. Most of the buildings still...

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