

Mohegan Bluffs

  • 02/01/2010

Photos taken May & October 2009 Simply put, this is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.  Mohegan Bluffs, found on the southern end of Block Island, drop down nearly 200 feet to the beach below.  Centuries ago, much of the Mohegan tribe was forced...


Block Island Indian Cemetery

  • 02/01/2010

I read about this cemetery after my first trip to Block Island and decided to look for it on my second trip.  I had never been to an “Indian” cemetery before and was curious to see one.  This graveyard was used by the Manisee tribe who originally inhabited...


Pine Ridge Pet Cemetery

  • 12/29/2009

Pine Ridge Pet Cemetery is the oldest in the US that’s run by an animal welfare group.  We originally came here because we read about a few celebrities’ pets being interred here, but it’s an impressive place so we stayed a while.  Some sections are especially old and...


Plymouth Rock

  • 12/28/2009

Plymouth Rock, one of the oldest tourist attractions in the US, is just that – a rock.  Said to be where the Pilgrims first set foot in the New World, Plymouth is more of an ideal than an actual physical place, mostly because we aren’t 100% sure of...


Mayflower II

  • 12/28/2009

Just up the road a bit from Plymouth Rock is the Mayflower II, which is by all accounts an accurate replica of the original ship of Pilgrim fame.  I couldn’t find any information anywhere on whether or not the ship’s to scale, but it’s likely nobody’s really sure...



  • 12/28/2009

Dogtown, found between Gloucester and Rockport (yes, the same Rockport where that silly Paper House is) has a long and unusual history.  Settled as early as 1641, the town never became too big, with its peak population in the early 1800’s reaching a few hundred.  Farming was next...


The Old Jail Museum

  • 11/06/2009

The Old Jail Museum in Jim Thorpe is almost like any other old restored prison museum I’ve been to.  Almost. Sure it’s got its display of artifacts from when the jail was in use.  Sure it’s got cells you can enter.  And it’s even got a solitary confinement...


Rock Garden of America

  • 11/06/2009

My mom moved to North Carolina a few years ago, and during my drive down to Ocean Isle Beach for vacation I decided to visit her.  Right on the side of the road just a few miles from her house, I found this.  It’s just sitting in front...

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