

Windmill House

  • 04/20/2004

This house can be found along Rt. 72. Most people agree it’s around 100 years old. It also has a double outhouse behind it. I stopped at the gas station next to it and asked for some info on it. The guy there said nobody’s lived in it...


Paulinskill Viaduct

  • 04/20/2004

I’ve heard about this one for years. I was happy to finally get to it. I must say it was much bigger than I expected. The viaduct is an old railroad tressel that goes over the Paulinskill River. I’m not sure how long it’s been out of commission,...


Sandy Hook 2004

  • 02/06/2004

2002 Trip / 2006 Trip I’m glad I came back here; we found a lot that I missed on the previous trips. First thing we came across was a battery I didn’t see on my first trip. Nude beach! w00t! The Beach Bunkers We had to hike down...


Bunker on Cape May Point Beach

  • 11/20/2003

11/03 Updated on 4/05 The lighthouse guide in Cape May told me a brief history about the bunker. It’s from one of the world wars (forget which one). Back then, it was actually under the sand, with 900 feet of beach in front of it. Think about that....


World War II Watchtower

  • 11/20/2003

Photos from 2003 & 2009 Originally posted 2003, updated 12/10 I didn’t even know about this place until I went to the Cape May Lighthouse and saw it off in the distance. The guide at the top of the lighthouse told me a bit about the history of...


Lambertville High School

  • 09/20/2003

I almost didn’t want to do this place. Everyone’s been there…everyone knows the stories. But we were in New Hope, which is just across the River from it, so I figured why not. Not to mention I wanted to know whether or not the rumors of it burning...


Circus Drive-In

  • 08/20/2003

From the roadside, the place looks rather boring…..just an old movie screen. But once we started walking around, I realized it was pretty interesting….the driveways are still there (in some form), as are most of the speaker hook-ups. Plus you don’t truly appreciate the size of the screen...


Lambert Castle

  • 06/20/2003

One of my friends has been telling me about Garrett Mountain for years. He had heard ghost stories of a castle that was on the mountain, Lambert Castle. So we decided to go see for ourselves. The castle itself was kind of disappointing (it looks brand new and...

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