

The Jacksons’ House

  • 05/20/2003

I was surprised to find out this house is just blocks away from me; I heard about it from a coworker. He said he was at the house over the winter and said the utilities worked then. There were also letters from the 30’s, along with a lot...



  • 05/20/2003

Originally visited 5/03New pics from New Year’s Eve ’06 I originally went to Centralia back in May of ’03 with some of the fine folks from Forensick.net. I finally went back for New Year’s Eve in ’06 and took what I feel are much better pictures. Some of...


Abandoned Cranberry Mill

  • 05/20/2003

A reader of the site told me about this place. Thanks again, Ben. I was impressed with the condition of the place. Don’t know how long it’s been out of commission, but the buildings are in pretty good shape. There’s 1 large building and 3 smaller ones. Behind...


Winslow Junction Tower

  • 04/20/2003

Back to Winslow Junction We went back to Winslow Junction and discovered someone had broken a side window. It was a squeeze, but I fit through. Inside was in pretty bad shape, worse than I expected. Upstairs had all kinds of paperwork, most of which was trains’ arrival...


Stokes House 2003

  • 04/20/2003

Not far from the ravine, cemetery, & Walpack Center is an abandoned house. I walked by it back in October or November, but there were 2 carloads of old people walking around and going inside. I figured someone had bought the house, or they were fixing it up....


Cranberry Bog Pumping Station

  • 04/20/2003

This place is right by Martha’s Furnace, so we decided to check both out. We were disappointed by the furnace, but this place made the trip worthwhile. We heard about the station from NJ Pine Barrens. Nothing else to say really; enjoy the pics. The gate that leads...


Zabriskie Mansion

  • 03/16/2003

I heard about this place quite a few times. After getting directions from a message board, John & I headed up to the Palisades to check it out. It’s a decent hike to get to it; maybe 3/4 of a mile. Odd place, indeed. The year (I’m guessing...

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