

Pratt Rock

  • 05/20/2005

Pratt Rock was to have been the tomb for Zadock Pratt, who was a very wealthy tanner and congressman. Many things are carved into the rock, including his face, a horse, names of his children, and his birth date. There is a small doorway where the tomb was...


Howe Caverns

  • 05/20/2005

The tour of Howe Caverns covers roughly 1 1/2 miles and is about 80 minutes. Part of the tour is a boat ride down “The River Styx”. While much larger and more popular than its competition up the road, Howe Caverns is also more commercial, with elevators leading...


Secret Caverns

  • 05/20/2005

Just up the road from Howe Caverns is the lesser known Secret Caverns. Secret Caverns is the overlooked lil’ guy out of the two. The caverns are smaller than Howe’s, and the tour is about half the time. But Secret Caverns has something going for it…it’s not commercialized,...

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