Civil War


Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson Ruins

  • 04/10/2015

Photos from June 2013 Old Brunswick Town predates the American Revolution and was once an important port along the Cape Fear River.  The growing size and importance of nearby Wilmington chipped away at Brunswick’s significance and population.  In 1776, the British attacked the town and scattered its few...


Fort Fisher and the Hermit’s Bunker

  • 05/03/2012

Fort Fisher photos from May 2010 Hermit Bunker & Grave photos from May 2011 This wound up being a 2 part trip.  My wife and I have been vacationing in southern North Carolina for a few years.  While looking up things to do, both traditional and nontraditional (you...


Fort Mifflin

  • 05/13/2010

Fort Mifflin is a unique and, sadly, little known point of interest in Philadelphia.  It’s right on the Delaware River; it’s actually next to the Philly Airport.  It is a bit of a pain to find, though.  You’re definitely going to want to look this one up first. ...


Antietam Battlefield

  • 04/26/2007

I’ll admit I know very little about this particular battle and have just recently begun reading about it. My interest in the Civil War has grown significantly in the past few years. Since I’m a Yankee, I have, as far as I know, only 2 battlefieds near me...


Fort Delaware

  • 09/21/2005

The back of the fort as seen from Fort Mott. We noticed on one of our visits to Fort Mott that a ferry runs among 3 forts: Forts Mott, Delaware, and DuPont. I found out Fort Delaware is on its own island, Pea Patch Island, in the middle...


Finn’s Point

  • 05/20/2004

Finn’s Point National Cemetery is small….not even 5 acres in size. When you first enter, you don’t see too many stones. But once you get to the back corner of the graveyard, you find out why; there is a very tall (85′ tall) memorial in the back for...

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