

Bamber Boy’s Home

  • 02/16/2003

First and foremost, I’m going to complain. Weird NJ claims the Boys’ Home was near Bamber Lakes and that it’s in Ocean Township. First off, there is, and has always been, ONE Bamber Lake. Until a meteor strike or earthquake, there is only going to be ONE Bamber...


Ancora Village

  • 12/06/2002

Visited 12/02 Demolished sometime afterward According to sources, Ancora Village, now abandoned, once was a community of minimum risk patients deemed suitable to live outside the hospital walls (mostly veterans, hence its name, Veteran’s Haven). However, because of a series of escapes, murders, or a lack of funds,...


Marlboro Slaughterhouse 11/02

  • 11/11/2002

This time around, I found the nifty side entrance to the Slaughterhouse property I couldn’t find before. It cuts out a good 20 minutes of walking. We walked by the old house & sheds…….nothing new there. The ‘road’ that runs through the property is a long one. We...


The Waving Cowboy

  • 11/06/2002

Written 11/02 You never realize what you have ’till it’s gone. Such is the case with the Waving Cowboy. I drove by it a million times when I was young. During the day, he just stood there with his arm extended. With the way the sign was made,...


Marlboro Slaughterhouse 10/02

  • 10/02/2002

They came in and ripped up the old railroad running through the property! Here’s the picture of the railroad overhang from last September: And now: Other pics:   The Other House There is another house at the Slaughterhouse site. I don’t know why anybody else covered it. I...


The Fordham

  • 08/02/2002

Written 8/02 This is more of a tribute than anything, to something that I unfortunately never got to know more about. I don’t know exactly why I’m writing this up. I just feel I have to. This may not be a ‘true’ landmark to most people, but it...


Essex Mountain Sanitarium

  • 06/02/2002

Visited Summer ’01 Written 6/02 It was June or July of 2001. 2 carloads of us left here (Toms River) around 5 PM and planned on getting to the Sanitarium between 6 & 6:30. We expected the town would be a small one, so we figured just having...


Marlboro Slaughterhouse

  • 09/29/2001

Note: The slaughterhouse was the original trip for the site. As such, I’ve decided to keep the photos in their original condition. They’re big, grainy, and in all honesty, not that good. But this is how the pics on the site used to look back in the day,...

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