

The Old Jail Museum

  • 11/06/2009

The Old Jail Museum in Jim Thorpe is almost like any other old restored prison museum I’ve been to.  Almost. Sure it’s got its display of artifacts from when the jail was in use.  Sure it’s got cells you can enter.  And it’s even got a solitary confinement...


Touro Park “Viking Tower”

  • 08/26/2009

I had been meaning to get to this one for a number of years, but it was usually out of the way.  Since we were touring a mansion in Newport, I finally had a chance to get to the “Viking Tower” in Touro Park.  Nobody seems to be...


Devil’s Hole

  • 07/10/2009

Virtually nothing is known about the ruins in the Devil’s Hole, found ironically in Paradise Valley.  According to local legends, the place was a hunting lodge, ski resort, or speakeasy.  The only thing agreed upon is that it was destroyed in a fire decades ago. I was told...


Haunted House in Riegelsville

  • 04/09/2009

In all the years I’ve been doing this, the first time I ever had anything happen to me that I could not explain was in this house. I won’t say it’s supernatural; I will say I cannot explain it. That’s all you’re getting out of me for now,...


Bucksport “Haunted” Grave

  • 12/27/2008

This is just dumb. Really, really dumb. There’s a tombstone. A shape that somewhat resembles a leg shows up on it one day. Somehow, this gives birth to a ridiculous story about killing witches. The grave stone is that of Colonel Jonathan Buck, the guy who founded Bucksport....


Mason-Dixon Line in South Jersey?

  • 10/27/2008

This is more of a writeup than an actual place. Mostly because it doesn’t exist. For years I’ve been hearing there are, or at least were, markers indicating where the Mason-Dixon Line runs through South Jersey. And like most of my good hunts, people have heard about them...


Van Sant Covered Bridge

  • 09/27/2008

It’s no secret I like covered bridges. Whenever I come across one, I tend to post it. This one, however, is a special case, at least according to folklore. For years I have heard of “crybaby bridges” – haunted bridges, usually covered, where you can hear crying. The...


The Stone Couch

  • 05/27/2008

It’s a rock. Shaped like a couch. Yay. This is just down the road from Eckley Miners’ Village. I heard some very silly stories attached to it. Lying down on it is said to cause cuts, sickness, or death should you be foolish enough to lie on it...

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