

Joe Mulliner’s Gravesite

  • 03/22/2007

Just about every Piney knows the name Joe Mulliner – the “Robin Hood of the Pines” – who robbed from the rich and, in theory, gave to the poor. He would also rob taverns and, according to some stories, would dance with the women before he escaped. One...


Shaler Grave

  • 03/20/2005

A lone grave sits alone not far from the infamous Indian Cabin Road. Its inscription says: Sacred To The Memory Of Mrs. Sibbel Shaler Consort of the late Timothy Shaler Who departed this life On the 2nd Day of April 1785 In the 34th year of her age...


Mount Misery Road

  • 02/20/2005

Here’s another road that gets more attention than it deserves due to its name. While I will agree Mt. Misery is a cool road to drive down at night, there really isn’t anything noteworthy on it. It has a Methodist retreat center on its Rt. 70 end, as...


Capone Place 2005

  • 01/20/2005

Since my last visit, they’ve added blocks to the top to give the building the castle appearance it had back in the day. I was very fortunate to receive an email from a fellow geocacher who offered to let me visit Crystal Lake (his wife has worked there...


Shades of Death Road

  • 11/20/2004

Shades of Death Road is much like Clinton Road, except it sucks more. It’s a road with a scary name. Hide your virgins. In all honesty, there were two points of interest on the road: what looked like the remains of a well on the side of the...


Hermitage Tunnel

  • 11/20/2004

Not too far from the Hermitage (a very old and historic house in northern NJ) is what appears to be a tunnel built into the side of a hill, which is supposed to go right to the Hermitage. Its purpose, according to who you talk to, ranged from...


The Chair House

  • 11/20/2004

First visited 11/04 Photos from 8/05 Don’t really know much about this one; simply put, it’s a house with a chair on the very top of it. I’ve passed it quite a few times but never bothered to take a picture of it. The only thing I can...


Mercy Brown’s Grave

  • 10/20/2004

Mercy Brown is one of America’s most famous ‘vampires’. Her family had a long history of being killed by consumption, and Mercy was no exception. After her death in 1892, members of her family were still being claimed by it. Since it was attacking just the Brown family,...

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