

America’s Stonehenge

  • 10/20/2003

Quick rundown: In North Salem, NH, is a megalithic structure that has been a subject of controversy for years. Some claim it’s 4000+ years old and like the Stonehenge of England, the rocks line up with certain celestial events. Others claim the site is a fake, or at...


The Capone Place 2003

  • 06/20/2003

Man, are there rumors about this place. Now Crystal Lake Health Care & Rehabilitation, this was the Royal Pines Hotel back in the 20’s. You used to be able to see the words “Royal Pines Hotel” on the sides of the overhang, but they had to go and...


Winslow Junction

  • 04/20/2003

Originally visited 4/03 New photos 2/05 Inside the Tower – 8/03 Some time ago, Winslow Junction was one of the busiest train stations on the east coast. Now, it is nothing more than a street intersection with 15-20 rail cars to the side. Some are in decent condition,...


Blue Anchor Tavern

  • 04/20/2003

Not a whole lot to say about the Tavern. It was built in 1737, but all that’s left is the foundation and steps. It’s on the side of Rt. 73. There were a few abandoned cars on the Tavern grounds. Looks like they’ve been there quite a while.


Bethlehem Loading Company

  • 02/16/2003

Originally visited 2/03 Reshot photos 3/05 Bethlehem was quite active during World War I; different types of shells were produced here. Many ruins still remain, and you are free to walk among them as long as you take nothing. There are signs among the ruins giving information about...


Jekyll & St. Simons Islands

  • 10/06/2002

Written 10/02 I haven’t been to Georgia in years; I’d love to get back there and get new pictures from both islands. These really, really awful photos are from when I was 12 or so and were taken with a disposable, I think. I can’t believe I didn’t...


Quaker Bridge

  • 10/06/2002

Yet another place we stumbled upon by accident. When we took the dirt road a little too far, we ended up on this bridge. According to SJ Unpaved, the original bridge was built in 1772 by Quakers, who had yearly meetings in Tuckerton. SJ Unpaved also says a...


Carranza Monument

  • 09/05/2002

Found accidentally 9/02 Page revamped 8/04 In July of 1928, Emilio Carranza Rodriguez’s plane crashed in the Pine Barrens. He was on his way back to Mexico from a goodwill flight to New York. At the crash site is a memorial, roughly 10-12 feet tall. One side has...

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