

Vineland Speedway

  • 01/27/2008

Vineland Speedway lies virtually forgotten just off the road. Now a popular paintball area, this was once home to a half-mile oval track, a quarter-mile dragstrip, and a 1.5 mile road course. Supposedly bleachers can still be found at the far end; I did not look for them....


Delsea Drive-In

  • 01/27/2008

This is a place I’ve been meaning to get to for a few years now; this is the only remaining drive-in theater left in New Jersey. It closed in the late 80’s and was reopened in 2004. I wanted this to be my first drive-in experience. Unfortunately, time...


Concrete City

  • 10/26/2007

This is somewhere I’ve been meaning to get to for quite some time now. While going for some job interviews in the area, I found out it was just a few miles down the road. I looked for the historical marker on the side of the road and...


Hindenburg Crash Monument

  • 09/26/2007

I would like to thank the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, especially Larry Lyford, for granting me access to the monument. Many people know what the Hindenburg is, but not many are aware the disaster occurred right in Lakehurst. On May 6, 1937, the Hindenburg, an 804 foot long...


War of the Worlds Monument

  • 08/26/2007

Most people have heard of the “War of the Worlds” broadcast that caused the nation to panic back on October 30, 1938. Millions of people heard the live broadcast, performed by Orson Welles, describing Martians first landing and beginning their invasion in Grover’s Mill, and sadly many really...


Bonnie’s Bridge

  • 06/26/2007

Imagine having this on the side of your house. Located between 2 houses in Cherry Hill is a Revolution-era foot bridge, named Bonnie’s Bridge. It’s a stop along the Cooper River Historic Trail. The bridge is obviously on private property. It’s a quaint little spot, but other than...


Antietam Battlefield

  • 04/26/2007

I’ll admit I know very little about this particular battle and have just recently begun reading about it. My interest in the Civil War has grown significantly in the past few years. Since I’m a Yankee, I have, as far as I know, only 2 battlefieds near me...


Reading Pagoda

  • 01/22/2007

I first heard about this place quite a few years ago. Some lady (I think she had a thing for me) randomly IM’d me a few times and said I should come visit Reading and see the pagoda. It would take me 4-5 years to finally get out...

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