Mine Fire


Avondale Mine Disaster

  • 12/27/2010

With all the attention Centralia gets, it’s amazing most people are unaware of other mine fires and disasters.  I admit I had never heard of Avondale until I went looking for a geocache hidden there.  How does a mine disaster site with a 100+ death toll become overlooked?...


Carbondale Mine Fires & Abandoned Factory

  • 10/27/2008

I had read on a number of online forums that Carbondale had 3 fires burning underneath it at once. Having already been to both Centralia and Laurel Run, I was quite interested to check it out. The results were pretty disappointing, but at least I did find a...


Red Ash Mine Fire

  • 07/27/2008

With all the attention Centralia gets, it’s no wonder many people are unaware there are quite a few mine fires still going in Pennsylvania, many of those not being too far from Centralia. One such is the Red Ash fire in Laurel Run. Although not as noticeable or...



  • 05/20/2003

Originally visited 5/03New pics from New Year’s Eve ’06 I originally went to Centralia back in May of ’03 with some of the fine folks from Forensick.net. I finally went back for New Year’s Eve in ’06 and took what I feel are much better pictures. Some of...

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