

High Point

  • 11/27/2008

Not really a whole lot to say about this one. This is the highest point in New Jersey, and to celebrate this fact, they built a large phallus on it. High Point is 1,803 feet above sea level, and the tower is an additional 220 feet. Unfortunately, the...


Queen Esther’s Rock

  • 06/27/2008

Interesting bit of Revolution history here that I never saw in any text book. And, just like the Matlack Grave, it’s wedged in between 2 houses. Too bad there’s grating over the rock; from what I hear, it’s there to stop people from chipping away at it. On...


Champ’s Monument

  • 11/27/2007

I am fully aware that this is a very, very dumb addition to the site. And I don’t care. When I was little, I read nothing but ghost and cryptozoology books. One monster I was particularly fond of was Champ, Lake Champlain’s monster, the US version of Nessie....


Hindenburg Crash Monument

  • 09/26/2007

I would like to thank the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, especially Larry Lyford, for granting me access to the monument. Many people know what the Hindenburg is, but not many are aware the disaster occurred right in Lakehurst. On May 6, 1937, the Hindenburg, an 804 foot long...


War of the Worlds Monument

  • 08/26/2007

Most people have heard of the “War of the Worlds” broadcast that caused the nation to panic back on October 30, 1938. Millions of people heard the live broadcast, performed by Orson Welles, describing Martians first landing and beginning their invasion in Grover’s Mill, and sadly many really...


Antietam Battlefield

  • 04/26/2007

I’ll admit I know very little about this particular battle and have just recently begun reading about it. My interest in the Civil War has grown significantly in the past few years. Since I’m a Yankee, I have, as far as I know, only 2 battlefieds near me...


“Treasure Island” – Nienstedt Island

  • 06/21/2006

Another place found due to geocaching. I’d been wanting to go to this island for over 2 years but never had the time or anyone willing to cross the Manasquan River with me in my crappy inflatable raft. It was really cool exploring what appeared to be a...


Mount Laurel Potters Field

  • 04/21/2006

If it weren’t for the markers, you’d have no idea this was a graveyard – just looks like a small patch of woods in between properties. The only indication this is a potters field are 2 corner markers and the lone “grave”. If there ever were any real...

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