Roadside Oddity


The Stone Couch

  • 05/27/2008

It’s a rock. Shaped like a couch. Yay. This is just down the road from Eckley Miners’ Village. I heard some very silly stories attached to it. Lying down on it is said to cause cuts, sickness, or death should you be foolish enough to lie on it...


Dinosaur Footprints Reservations

  • 11/27/2007

Actual dinosaur footprints? In their original location and undisturbed? NOT plaster casts? I had to see. As a kid, I was big into dinosaurs. I know most kids were, but most kids also thought of them as big lizard things that ate each other and cavemen. I could...


Grave with a Window

  • 11/27/2007

A silly little stop in Vermont on one of our New England trips. New Haven was on the way to Shelburne & Burlington, so we figured why not. It’s strange enough the grave is a mound, but….what’s that on top of it? Some sort of window? Can you...


Reading Pagoda

  • 01/22/2007

I first heard about this place quite a few years ago. Some lady (I think she had a thing for me) randomly IM’d me a few times and said I should come visit Reading and see the pagoda. It would take me 4-5 years to finally get out...



  • 01/22/2007

Columcille is a megalith park in eastern PA. It’s very Celtic influenced and has a labyrinth and chapel, among other things. The place was also much larger than I had anticipated; it’s very peaceful to walk around. Definitely one of the more unique places I’ve visited.


The Paper House

  • 10/21/2006

I heard about a house made of newspaper being somewhere in Massachusetts. Since it wasn’t too far from Salem, I figured we’d check it out. A paper house? Sounds silly. It is. When we arrived, there were signs saying the house was open but was operating on an...


Palace of Gold

  • 07/21/2006

Definitely one of the more unusual places I’ve seen – a Hindu temple and palace dedicated to Srila Prabhupada – in the mountains of West Virginia? The drive to it was a quest in itself – miles of winding, crumbling road, with few houses along the way. I’ve...


Needmore Pyramid Ruins

  • 07/21/2006

A pyramid in Indiana? Sort of. Back in the 50’s, a 1/5 scale Great Pyramid and a portion of the Great Wall were to have been built for a new development. Long story short, the funding stopped, and the development never came to be. Old Highway 37 just….stops....

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