Roadside Oddity


The Cannonball House

  • 07/20/2004

A fine example of a place being less than what you’d expect. I had read about this house in a book or two. Seeing how it was also included on some Lewes maps, I figured it’d be a worthwhile addition to my trip there. If you don’t know...


Roadside Gravestones on Route 40

  • 05/20/2004

I found 3 grave stones right on the side of the road. The first was of someone who was killed by a drunk driver. I’ve seen roadside memorials for others killed by drunk drivers, especially on the Parkway, but never an actual stone. Across the street were 2...


Windmill House

  • 04/20/2004

This house can be found along Rt. 72. Most people agree it’s around 100 years old. It also has a double outhouse behind it. I stopped at the gas station next to it and asked for some info on it. The guy there said nobody’s lived in it...


Lucy the Elephant

  • 04/20/2004

Most people look at you funny if you tell them there’s a 6 story elephant near Atlantic City. Lucy was built in 1881 to attract people to Margate (South A.C. at the time) and to hopefully buy property there. Over the years, she’s been a real estate office,...


Roadside Stonehenges

  • 08/20/2003

Spencer 8/03 Bloomington 4/04 Found this alongside Rt. 46 in Indiana……we were on our way to Nashville when I noticed 3 stone…..things on the side of the road. There was even a little bridge leading to one of them. We couldn’t get too close because of traffic, so...


Route 30 Pyramid

  • 12/06/2002

First visited 12/02 Page redone 3/05 Along Rt. 30 one can find what was once the Temple of Hope and Knowledge, which was some sort of church. One story says it was a Scientologist church, but after reading some articles on it I’m not so sure that’s true....


Bayville Dinosaur

  • 12/06/2002

Originally posted 12/02 New pics from 12/05 This has never been a big deal to me, since Bayville is my hometown; I’ve seen this every day of my life. However, other people find it strange that there’s a dinosaur on the side of Route 9. Nobody is 100%...

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