

Bear Swamp Hill

  • 02/22/2007

It’s not really what’s at Bear Swamp Hill, because honestly there isn’t all too much to see – it’s moreso learning what happened there and then finding the remaining bits of evidence. In January of 1971, a plane coming from the McGuire Air Force Base crashed into the...



  • 12/21/2006

Original photos: 12/06 New photos: 12/07 We visited Amatol in the spring, but for whatever reason I never got around to posting it. There are 2 points of interest to the area’s history. The first is the munitions plant similar to Belcoville. Amatol served the very brief purpose...


Gay City

  • 10/21/2006

Curiously named Gay City was founded just before the 1800’s by families seeking religious freedom and was around for roughly 80 years until the Industrial Revolution and multiple fires killed it. This was the first stop of our ’06 New England trip, and to be honest I was...


Tahawus (Adirondak)

  • 08/21/2006

Tahawus, also known as Adirondak, has long been a goal of mine.  It was about a 6 hour drive to get from my house to the campsite and about another hour to reach Tahawus. Saying the town is in the middle of nowhere is an understatement. I’m not...


Needmore Pyramid Ruins

  • 07/21/2006

A pyramid in Indiana? Sort of. Back in the 50’s, a 1/5 scale Great Pyramid and a portion of the Great Wall were to have been built for a new development. Long story short, the funding stopped, and the development never came to be. Old Highway 37 just….stops....


Sandy Hook 2006

  • 02/06/2006

2002 Trip / 2004 Trip Friendly reminder – decent amount of pictures. For you folks with dialup… get broadband already. Seriously. It’s 2006, man. This trip easily destroyed the 2 previous trips I took to Sandy Hook. This time around we met up with a few forum members,...


White City Amusement Park Ruins

  • 01/21/2006

Through geocaching I heard about a place called White City, an amusement park outside Trenton which closed in our around the 1930’s. A trolley would ride in from Trenton and drop people off, and they’d descend a large set of stairs to Spring Lake. The park had several...

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