Blue Anchor Tavern
Not a whole lot to say about the Tavern. It was built in 1737, but all that’s left is the foundation and steps. It’s on the side of Rt. 73. There were a few abandoned cars on the Tavern grounds. Looks like they’ve been there quite a while.
NJ’s Stonehenge
This was my first nighttime trip, so not all the pics came out. Not a whole lot to say about this place. It’s a ring of small stone pillars, about half of which are still intact. There’s a small firepit in the middle, which I was told has...
Hermann City
Originally visited 4/03 Updated 2/05 & 3/07 Hermann City was a short-lived town along the Mullica River in southern NJ. It was supposed to have been founded in 1870 and served as a glass works; unfortunately the glass works closed only 3 years later. I was told that’s...
Martha’s Furnace
Nov. ’04 – I removed this from the site for a while because it was rather boring. We originally went in April ’03 and figured the furnace was gone. I’ve since found out the furnace IS still there….it’s been buried. So all the info on this page is...
Route 679 House
I found this place by accident…..sort of. It’s pretty hard not to notice this house on the side of Rt. 679. I was looking for the Harrisville Ruins when I spotted this house. I walked around a bit to see if any other buildings were nearby, but I...
Harrisville Ruins
Originally visited 3/03 New photos from 2/05 I’m amazed at how much of Harrisville is left. This particular building is the paper mill, but cellar holes can be found around it as well. It’s difficult to grasp the concept that many people lived and worked around this paper...
Pioneer Smelting Company
Visited 2/03 Demolished Winter ’03 The “House” This is the smallest of the buildings. It had only 2 rooms, and most of the walls had big sections knocked out of them. Nothing much to say about this building…..just the usual graffitti, smashed windows, and knocked-down doors. The “Hangar”...