Spanish-American War


Fort Mifflin

  • 05/13/2010

Fort Mifflin is a unique and, sadly, little known point of interest in Philadelphia.  It’s right on the Delaware River; it’s actually next to the Philly Airport.  It is a bit of a pain to find, though.  You’re definitely going to want to look this one up first. ...


Fort Knox

  • 12/27/2008

Fort Knox was constructed beginning in 1844 to help prevent any potential invasions from Britain. This part of Maine was invaded by the British during both the Revolution and the War of 1812, and the area was also open to border disputes between the US and Canada. Much...


Fort Armistead

  • 04/26/2007

This place is trashed. It’s like the state said screw it and gave up maintaining the park. There’s tons of spray paint, the iron gates blocking the inside of the fort have all been broken or have had bars removed, there’s trash everywhere, etc…I was told quite a...


Sandy Hook 2006

  • 02/06/2006

2002 Trip / 2004 Trip Friendly reminder – decent amount of pictures. For you folks with dialup… get broadband already. Seriously. It’s 2006, man. This trip easily destroyed the 2 previous trips I took to Sandy Hook. This time around we met up with a few forum members,...


Fort Mott

  • 05/20/2004

Fort Mott was one of 3 forts built along the Delaware after the Civil War. Its construction began in 1872 but stopped in 1876. Only 2 out of 11 gun emplacements were finished. In 1896 more fortifications were added for the Spanish-American War. Troops were stationed there up...


Sandy Hook 2004

  • 02/06/2004

2002 Trip / 2006 Trip I’m glad I came back here; we found a lot that I missed on the previous trips. First thing we came across was a battery I didn’t see on my first trip. Nude beach! w00t! The Beach Bunkers We had to hike down...


Sandy Hook 2002

  • 07/06/2002

2004 Trip / 2006 Trip Sandy Hook is an odd lil’ place. The north end is where the interesting stuff is. The area was used in the 1800’s & early 1900’s for military training and weapons testing. An interesting site to see is the Nine Gun Battery. This...

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