Sandy Hook 2006
2002 Trip / 2004 Trip Friendly reminder – decent amount of pictures. For you folks with dialup… get broadband already. Seriously. It’s 2006, man. This trip easily destroyed the 2 previous trips I took to Sandy Hook. This time around we met up with a few forum members,...
Sandy Hook 2004
2002 Trip / 2006 Trip I’m glad I came back here; we found a lot that I missed on the previous trips. First thing we came across was a battery I didn’t see on my first trip. Nude beach! w00t! The Beach Bunkers We had to hike down...
Concrete Shipwreck S.S. Atlantus
I was a bit disappointed. There’s not much of it left above water. The ship, S.S. Atlantus, was an experiment from WWI. After a few trips across the Atlantic to bring soldiers back home, the concrete ship proved to be near-useless (it was concrete, afterall). The ship was...
Bethlehem Loading Company
Originally visited 2/03 Reshot photos 3/05 Bethlehem was quite active during World War I; different types of shells were produced here. Many ruins still remain, and you are free to walk among them as long as you take nothing. There are signs among the ruins giving information about...
Sandy Hook 2002
2004 Trip / 2006 Trip Sandy Hook is an odd lil’ place. The north end is where the interesting stuff is. The area was used in the 1800’s & early 1900’s for military training and weapons testing. An interesting site to see is the Nine Gun Battery. This...