Category: Places

Posted in New England

Shelburne Museum

Lots of pics. Go get some nachos. When one hears the word “museum” they tend to think of large, ugly buildings full of ugly, boring… read more Shelburne Museum

Posted in New England

Grave with a Window

A silly little stop in Vermont on one of our New England trips. New Haven was on the way to Shelburne & Burlington, so we… read more Grave with a Window

Posted in Pennsylvania

Rocky Glen Park

Rocky Glen opened in 1885 and ran until 1987. A year later it was auctioned off, but not much was done with it. The park… read more Rocky Glen Park

Posted in Pennsylvania

Concrete City

This is somewhere I’ve been meaning to get to for quite some time now. While going for some job interviews in the area, I found… read more Concrete City

Posted in Pennsylvania

Shupp Cemetery

I heard about a little known cemetery not too far from the area where I was job hunting. It wasn’t supposed to be very large,… read more Shupp Cemetery

Posted in New England Trips

New England ’07

Grave with a window in New Haven, VT Yet another trip that wasn’t finalized until the last minute. This almost turned into a trip to… read more New England ’07

Posted in New Jersey

Hindenburg Crash Monument

I would like to thank the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, especially Larry Lyford, for granting me access to the monument. Many people know what the… read more Hindenburg Crash Monument

Posted in New Jersey

NJ’s Smallest Registered Cemetery

After finding the Olde Stone House Village and doing some research, I found out nearby Bunker Hill Presbyterian is home to the smallest registered graveyard… read more NJ’s Smallest Registered Cemetery