Category: Places

Posted in New Jersey

Red Bank Battlefield

I recently read about a little-known battlefield along the Delaware. After learning some of the history and reading that ruins from the fort could be… read more Red Bank Battlefield

Posted in New Jersey

Another Bridge to Nowhere

Another bridge oddity, although this one is more unique than the first we found. Located in Mauricetown, this bridge has been turned into somewhat of… read more Another Bridge to Nowhere

Posted in New Jersey

Island Beach Hotel Ruins

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me about hotel ruins somewhere on the bay side of Island Beach. He also said a… read more Island Beach Hotel Ruins

Posted in New Jersey

Grassy Sound (2005)

Originally visited in June 2004 I’ve been wanting to come back to Grassy Sound ever since I first visited because it’s such a unique place…. read more Grassy Sound (2005)

Posted in New Jersey

Little Debbie’s Grave and Ye Olde Robbins Burial Place

I’ve known about this place for years. Why I took this long to visit it I’ll never know. Not many know a member of the… read more Little Debbie’s Grave and Ye Olde Robbins Burial Place

Posted in New Jersey

Allaire Railroad Bridge

This tiny bridge, not even 10′ across, is all that remains of a railroad track off one of the hiking trails in Allaire; the rest… read more Allaire Railroad Bridge

Posted in New Jersey

Shaler Grave

A lone grave sits alone not far from the infamous Indian Cabin Road. Its inscription says: Sacred To The Memory Of Mrs. Sibbel Shaler Consort… read more Shaler Grave

Posted in New Jersey

Absecon Drive-In

We saw this along Rt. 30 last year on the way to Lucy the Elephant, but we couldn’t figure out how to get to it…. read more Absecon Drive-In