Category: Places

Posted in New Jersey

Marlboro Slaughterhouse 10/02

They came in and ripped up the old railroad running through the property! Here’s the picture of the railroad overhang from last September: And now:… read more Marlboro Slaughterhouse 10/02

Posted in New Jersey

Carranza Monument

Found accidentally 9/02 Page revamped 8/04 In July of 1928, Emilio Carranza Rodriguez’s plane crashed in the Pine Barrens. He was on his way back… read more Carranza Monument

Posted in New Jersey

Hampton Furnace

First found 9/02 New pics 2/05 After a controlled Fire 1/06 These pics are from 2/05. The original photos can be found at the bottom… read more Hampton Furnace

Posted in New Jersey


First posted 9/02 New photos from 11/04 Carusoville is a now empty group of roads behind Bamber Lake. Supposedly the entire Caruso family lived back… read more Carusoville

Posted in New Jersey


Pics from 8/02 & 11/05 Not really sure where the name “Pickerel” came from; a friend of ours told us that’s what he called it,… read more Pickerel

Posted in New Jersey

Crabbe Cemetery

First found 8/02 New pics from 2/04 This place is another good example of rumors leaving stuff out, yet adding other stuff in to make… read more Crabbe Cemetery

Posted in New Jersey

The Fordham

Written 8/02 This is more of a tribute than anything, to something that I unfortunately never got to know more about. I don’t know exactly… read more The Fordham

Posted in New Jersey

Sandy Hook 2002

2004 Trip / 2006 Trip Sandy Hook is an odd lil’ place. The north end is where the interesting stuff is. The area was used… read more Sandy Hook 2002